Thursday, October 14, 2010

35 Up

Michael asks such asshole questions. When Tony said he basically gets his shit done and makes stuff happen that he wants to make happen, he replies that "well, nothing you've done has worked out, right?" Tony's response? "It's better to be a hasbeen than a neverwas, innit?" You get him Tony.

I thought they'd have some problems finding things to talk about for the next few series, but I guess I get it now. We're just going to sit and watch all the relationships dissolve.

It's interesting though. With this sort of thing, you wonder why you just can't work the marriages out. Like, this seems like it could kind of be like fiction, so the idea of not having your life work the way they wanted it in the previous edition, or not working really hard to make your relationship work, the idea of these concepts just seems so abstract. Like when you hear things these people say about their lives, you just take it at face value, but these people are just saying things that they think will make them sound the most clever, or what the documentary filmmakers would want to hear, or what they think sounds most truthful to them. And they're not prefect. They could just be talking out of their ass. They do the interview once, and it's over, and it's on celluloid forever as these specific statements being representative of their outlook on the world. Interesting. Confusing, I know, but interesting.

Unfortunately, we keep hitting terrible decades. This hair. These sweaters. This is so miserable...really. Also, a terrible point is that these 35 year olds don't look a day over 40. Some around 45. Is it going through the 80s that did it to them, or is it because most of them smoke, or because Brits age worse than we do or...something is going on here. Like, guys, we check back with you once every SEVEN years, and THAT'S what you wear in front of the camera? That's such an odd choice. As Marggy said about one of the guys "I need this mustache to go away."

A lot of the previous children, now adults, complain about a loss of privacy or having regretted doing the program. And one of the wives was upset at how she was portrayed so she opted out of this next one. And that's a shame. I feel weird watching something that they might not enjoy doing. It's really a shame. I do wonder why they still even do it, though. If terrible things happen to them, they'd have to share that with the whole world.

It's kind to sad to see them not get what they wanted to get at 7. Which is silly. Seven year olds don't know what they want. Their opinions aren't their own so they just repeat what they hear and they only know what they want to do by what they see. They're stupid. But I want them to get their dreams. Which is stupid.

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